
Cold Fighter Offer

Sick again. Ask any of my childhood coaches, catching a ball was never my thing. Catching a cold? Now that’s another story. Being sick is no fun, except for the whole movie marathon, napping, snacking, lazing part. But the problem is that I must return to work tomorrow and I have no other choice than to kick this thing. I’m not one for prescription meds so besides the ol’ natural supplements from Jimbo's (Wellness Formula which I highly recommend) I had to come up with something to boost my immune system.  I knew that I could find something around the kitchen to throw in the Blendtec. I started pulling out all of the immune boosting foods like garlic, berries, broccoli, etc. and decided to blend them all together. What was the worst that could happen? I could just toss it and make it again. But no, it worked! I know it sounds crazy but it actually tasted great. I'd even eat this when I'm feeling normal again. Just make sure you don’t have some big date planned that evening, a whole clove of raw garlic isn’t the most attractive thing. I just hope it doesn’t stay with me for my clients tomorrow (sorry guys). So take my word for it on this one and give a shot.

1 c. Ice
½ c. Water
1 Lemon, juiced
1 Orange, juiced
4 Strawberries, Frozen or Fresh
4 Pineapple chunks, Frozen or Fresh
½ C. Broccoli
1 Garlic Clove
½ tbs Ginger (or ginger powder)
1/8 tsp Cayenne Pepper
1 tsp. Honey
Lemon, Orange, Strawberries & Broccoli- Vitamin C immune boosters, increase body resistance, decrease toxicity and reduce the duration of the illness

Honey- Contains a variety of flavonoids and phenolic acids as anti-oxidants and an effective throat soother.

Garlic- Garlic contains antiseptic and antispasmodic properties, besides several other medicinal qualities.

Ginger & Pineapple - Stimulates circulation and helps clear your sinuses and lungs of mucus.

Cayenne Pepper -Reduces fever and utilizes chemicals to block stronger pain with weak pain signals. (like white willow and it’s synthetic version, Aspirin)

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