
Blendtec Joytec

      Let me start off by apologizing in advance for all of the upcoming “Blendtec” recipes you will endure. Oh yes folks, you heard it right..I own a Blendtec! Isn’t that incredible news?!?! Okay, I’m sure most of you aren’t quite as excited as I am assuming you’ve never laid your eyes on one of these babies and experienced all the wonder that is Blendtec. Don’t be surprised on your next visit to Costco if you see me with a tiny little microphone strapped to my head while standing in a sea of Blendtec boxes, harassing all of the patrons to “come have a look!” in a British accent. I should be getting a commission check from those people every time I fit the word “Blendtec” into my daily conversations. 
It all started about 5 years ago while at a spa/esthetic convention, I was drawn away from the brazilian waxing booth when I heard the words “ice cream in 60seconds!”. Yep, it was that easy. They were selling the “Vita-mix”, a $500 blender that could do anything. In a matter of 5 mins, they made ice cream, chicken tortilla soup, a smoothie and something else.  I thought of all the wonderful things I could make (almond butter, raw veggie soup, hummus, green drinks and more. Really this would be a good investment for my health. I knew right then that one day I too would be the proud owner of such a device. At the time I was juicing my fruits and veggies but was frustrated with the fact that I was discarding much of the nutrients that are in the pulp, seeds and rind. I was also making green smoothies in the morning but could only use a few veggies that I know would blend well. Then later I added that little food processor I was telling you about. I think I’ll hold on to that one for the small jobs. 
Over the years I’ve done plenty of research to make sure the Vita-mix was the way to go. Through all of the reviews, I came to the conclusion that it’s competitor, Blendtec, was the best choice. The week before christmas I was spending my last pennies at Costco when I saw the ‘One Armed Bandit’ demoing the $400 Blendtec. Although I had included this on my xmas wish list every year, I figured santa wasn’t going to spend the big bucks on a blender. It was too bad I didn’t have the money on hand because if purchased from a demo, you get a 7 year extended warranty. The good news is that I collected enough cash and returnable gifts this year to go buy me my own suppa powwa blenda! I called the company to make sure the whole “extended warranty” claim was legit. Indeed it was and I tracked down the ‘One Armed Bandit’ at a Costco just 30mins out of town, in a place where beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano. Costco of San Juan Capistrano. 
I’ve been on a special detox/diet this week that only allows me to have certain veggies and chicken or fish in addition to other special protein foods. I must say, eating 2 cups of veggies with every meal isn’t easy. But it’s been effortless when blended with ice, mint, ginger and vanilla protein for a green smoothie or chicken and seasonings for a hot and hearty soup (that is still considered raw minus the chicken of course). I’m in veggie heaven. So as I sit here enjoying my tasty chicken soup that I made within 5 mins of getting home from work, I thought to myself, “This is something I need to share with the world!”, whether or not they care. So while I’m on this detox (losing 10lbs in two weeks), the only recipes that you will see will be the most creative I can get with a very limited diet. P.S Feel free to ask me about the diet if you are curious.

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